Danny Gonzalez Danny Gonzalez - Rollin'

(Let's roll!)

Yeah, that's right, we're going dummy tonight, son
We're going dum-dum

This that good shit
We goin' silly, gettin' dumb on that hood shit
We're gettin' faded, goin' numb on the dance floor
We goin' crazy, throwing bills in the bathroom
We gettin' loose and poppin' pills

Now I'm gone
I can't walk straight and the whole room spinnin'
I can't find my friend, man, I think he went missin' (where'd he go)
Looked all around, but I got too dizzy
Got bumped in the back by a rogue dude whippin'

Now I'm trippin' in the club
Slippin' in the club
Accidentally all up in this dude's business at the club (sorry)
Now he's givin' me a shove
And I'm fallin' over chairs
Tryin' to catch my balance, but I end up fallin' down the stairs (aah!)

Now I'm breakin' all my bones
And I'm fallin' real fast
And I barrel towards the door
And I break through the glass (ah!)
And I land on my ass
Now I'm slidin' down the street (wee)
The club's on top of a hill
So I'm pickin' up speed

Now I'm scared
I don't think I've gone so fast in all my life
All the roads are frozen over, so I'm slidin' on this ice
I can't catch myself
I just keep on rollin' like some dice
I just rolled right through the night
Fell asleep and now it's light

Now I'm rollin' and floppin'
Try to slow, I'm not stoppin'
People jumpin' out the way
They be leapin' and hoppin'

I roll right through a Gucci store
But there's no time for shoppin'
I accidentally steal a bunch of shit
They call in the cops and

Now I can hear the fuckin' sirens and the tires squeal
They called the SWAT Team, helicopters, it's a whole ordeal
I try to pray to Jesus, even he don't want to take the wheel
I catch my balance for a sec
Then slip on a banana peel

Next thing you know, I'm rollin' through the park and now I'm takin' people down
Plowin' through a group of strollers, takin' babies to the ground
I'm apologizing, but my voice is drowned out by the sound of babies crying
But it fades as I approach another town

Now I have to make a tricky decision
Hit a bus of old people or a couple of children
Never really thought of myself as an ethical man
But after meditating on it I came up with a plan, I'm gonna (too late!)

Hit 'em both on accident and they blew up mMy bad)
Caught a glimpse of a TV playin' the news and they're on the phone with my dad (hi)
He's tellin' them how I've rolled before, but it's never been this bad
I don't wanna watch, but I can't stop, I've never seen him this sad

Now I'm doing full rotations 'round the Earth
Spinnin' so fast I'm causing the Earth's rotation to reverse
Now I'm goin' back in time, I just saw my own birth
Thought this night out at the club would be fun, but it's the worst

(The lesson is)
Don't do drugs